Thank you for visiting the website for the charming Northamptonshire village of Hinton-in-the-Hedges. This is a small, active community with a proud and caring approach to its heritage and responsible upkeep of the local environment and is welcoming to visitors. There is evidence of a Roman settlement with artefacts discovered in the 1970s and has had a stable population dating back to the 11th century when it was mentioned in the Domesday Book.
Local Information
The village has just over 70 homes and is lucky enough to have a Free House Pub, a Norman Church, a children’s playing field and a cricket club. We are also fortunate to have active committees running and maintaining the playing field, the church and also looking after amenities for the village. We have a number of B&Bs and businesses operating within the village confines. Information about all of these can be found below –

Local Free House

The Crewe Arms is at the heart of the community in Hinton-in-the-Hedges. As a Free House and real ale pub it offers a good range of beers, ciders, lagers and wines. There is also a restaurant offering traditional favourites with a personal twist.
For those looking to stay in the area there are also two well appointed rooms at affordable rates.
For more information call 01280 705801 or visit the website www.crewe-arms.co.uk
There is a defibrillator on the wall of the Crewe Arms public house

Heating Oil

As a village resident, you may wish to join the Village Oil Group which generally secures a cheaper price for heating oil. Tanker deliveries will generally be made five times throughout the year to houses in the village
Early January Late February Mid April Mid to end of July Mid November.
Shirley will send an email reminder to everyone approximately 1 week before ordering.
Please confirm on ordering, clearly indicating how many litres you will need to be delivered.
The minimum delivery volume is 500 litres, no maximum.
Each tanker has a limited capacity and aims to provide sufficient oil for those who have ordered.
Where possible, please avoid asking the driver to add more than you requested, as this may eat into someone else’s oil allocation.
Oil prices Oil prices often fluctuate according to global factors. If Shirley hears that oil prices are going up, she may bring the order forward.
Several companies are contacted for a price, the cheapest one being selected.
Please contact Shirley on watsonhinton@aol.com if you need help or further information
Many thanks Shirley Watson

Most Holy Trinity church
The civil parish of Hinton-in-the-Hedges consists of just the village and a few outlying dwellings, with the civil hamlet of Steane being under the jurisdiction of Farthinghoe.
However, the Church Parish is that of both the churches at Hinton-in-the-Hedges AND Steane – a merger that took place in 1752.
The Church Parish of Hinton-in-the-Hedges with Steane is part of the Benefice of Astwick Vale together with the churches at Aynho, Croughton, Evenley and Farthinghoe.
Services are held in each church in the benefice and details of these and the other church activities can be found at www.astwickvalebenefice.org

Where to stay
The Crewe Arms 01280 705801 www.crewe-arms.co.uk
Two Hoots 01280 701220 www.twohootsbrackley.co.uk
The Old Turkey Barn 07851 652087
Brook Farm Cottage 07974 656428
The Loft Room 07879 482606

Playing fields
The Norris Playing Field is a private playing field given to the village in 1979 by Captain Norris of Steane for children of all ages. The Norris Playing Field Association (NPFA) has been set up to look after the facility for the village including general repairs and maintenance of the grounds. The NPFA organise a number of fundraising events throughout the year to support the maintenance.
Previous events include ‘Top End’ vs. ‘Bottom End’ rounders and the Bonfire/Fireworks night.


The Fishman Visits the village on Wednesdays. Please contact him on 07508 791829 with your order and he will deliver to your door.
Working Farms Yew Tree Farm grass fed Lamb and Beef are available at Barnowl Farm Shop in Evenley.
Croft Vets – 01280 703451 Small animal practice www.croftvetcentre.co.uk
Tangle Design Graphic Design logginsam@btconnect.com
Designs on Learning Ltd – 07720 555167 eLearning consultancy www.designsonlearning.co.uk If you live in the village, have a local business which benefits the villagers and would like to be featured on Hinton-in-the-Hedges.org please contact us
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Ash Dieback in and around the village

Goings on - in and around Hinton-in-the-Hedges
Future of the Church

Church presentation slides – June 5th

Click here for access to Village Facebook site

History & Maps
Pictures and information including the Enclosure map of 1766 and maps of 1923.

The War Years 1914-18
The Great War 1914-1918: remembering eight men from the parish who gave their life in this war.

The War Years 1939-45
The second world war 1939-1945: Hinton-in-the-Hedges supporting the war effort.
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Upcoming Events
Mar 22nd – Sat – Litter Pick
April 3rd, Thurs – C.R.A.G.S. at Staverton Park
April 17th, Thurs – 7:30pm, HiHAT Committee Meeting, Crewe Arms
May 5th, Mon – VE Day Picnic
May 13th, Tues – 7pm, Annual Parish Meeting
June 1st, Sun – Hinton Vehicle Fiesta
June 21st, Sat – Open Gardens
July 12th, Sat – Fete
Aug 3rd, Sun – Croquet Tournament
Sep 7th, Sun – BBQ & Sports Day on Playing Field
Dec 6th, Sat – 5pm, Village Christmas Lights switch on

Other activities
Church Crew
Demand continues to grow for the Churchyard to look its best. The team and their machinery recently tackled the long grass admirably, but there is more work to be done. Any volunteers to chip in for a couple of hours is most welcome!

Past events
Pub Quizzes
Race Night
Bingo Evenings
HiHATters Afternoon Tea Party
Christmas Eve Shenanigans
Apple Pressing
Crewe Arms Golf Society
Top End vs Bottom End Rounders
Bonfire Night & Fireworks
The Most Holy Trinity Church
Ride & Stride
Christmas Carol Service
Harvest Festival & Supper
Special Occasions
Barn Dance 2024
Royal Wedding Celebrations
Queen’s 90th Street Party
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Street Party
VE Day Celebrations
Village Ball
Village Fetes
Vehicle Fiesta
Big Sleep Out
Flood Appeal coffee Morning
Walking with the Wounded
Celebrating Cycle Africa
Plant Sale
Autumn Bulb Planting
Annual Litter Pick
Scarecrow Festival
Defibrillator & CPR training
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Local village walks around Hinton-in-the-Hedges

Coleready Plantation 7.2 miles
Steane, Farthinghoe & Purston 8.5 miles
Steane & Farthinghoe 6.9 miles
Steane 3 miles
Local cycling routes
Local cycling routes for both 'On road' and 'Off road' cycling routes will be viewed and accessed using the Ride with GPS App More routes to follow

Find Us
Please send us your details below with any enquiries comments and suggestions.
We will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.
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